Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) are responsible for global warming, the long-term worldwide average warming experienced since the industrial revolution. GHGs arise from human use of fossil fuels for energy. Major emitters of GHGs include both industrialized countries and, in recent decades, developing countries as well. Higher global temperatures cause the extremes of hot and cold, and wet and dry, weather of recent years. This blog examines global warming and its effects.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Public Attitudes about Extreme Weather and Increased Global Average Temperatures
Summary.YaleUniversity and GeorgeMasonUniversity released their latest survey, Extreme Weather, Climate & Preparedness
in the American Mind,
concerning attitudes of the American public over long-term world-wide average temperature and extreme weather
events, in April, 2012.A clear majority
of the American public finds that unusual weather events have occurred in the
preceding year.By more than 2-to-1,
people feel that over the past several years the weather has gotten worse
rather than better.Americans associated
the recent extreme weather events with long-term increases in global
temperature.The New York Times reports
that other recent surveys have provided similar results.
This survey appears
to represent a shift toward greater recognition of the consequences arising
from long-term increases in global temperature, compared to earlier recent
Yale-George Mason surveys.
We conclude by
urging American federal policymakers to recognize this shift in attitudes among
the (presumably voting) population of the country.Our policymakers should enact policies that
address long-term global temperature increases and their consequences, as well
as develop policies that help the country adapt to changes already under way. Introduction.Concern about an increase in the long-term world-wide average
temperature ascribed largely to release of greenhouse gases by mankind has been
expressed by climate scientists for several decades.Harmful effects on climate, extremes of
weather, and human consequences from this temperature increase have also been
predicted over the same time scale.Corresponding degrees of concern among the peoples of the world has
varied with time and by nation or region of the world.
In the United States, several survey results have tracked
details of the public’s recognition of, and degree of concern over, long-term
average temperature increases and their effects.This post discusses a survey of Americans (Leiserowitz, A., Maibach, E., Roser-Renouf, C., &
Hmielowski, J. D. (2012) ExtremeWeather, Climate & Preparedness in the American Mind. YaleUniversity and GeorgeMasonUniversity. New Haven, CT: Yale Project on Climate Change Communication.)
that was released April 18, 2011 by the Yale
Project on Climate Change Communication and the George Mason University Center
for Climate Change Communication.The
survey was conducted the second half of March 2012, interviewing 1,008 people.
Climate and
Extreme Weather.The survey notes that in 2011 the U. S. had 14 serious weather and climate
disasters each causing US$1 billion or more in physical damage, more than in
any previous year.Total damage from
these events has been evaluated as US$53 billion, not to mention human costs of
life and disruption of lives for survivors which are not readily calculable.Disasters included severe drought and an
extended heat wave in Texas and Oklahoma, widespread flooding along the Mississippi River valley, the remnants of Hurricane Irene
which brought rain deluges and flooding along the east coast, and numerous
damaging tornados.From January to March
2012 temperatures across the continental portion of the U. S. were 6.0ºF (3.3ºC) higher than normal.
This blog reported
on extreme weather events and damage assessments in the U. S. over the
preceding ten years in this post
, and selectively around the world in this post.
Highlights of
the Survey. More than half of
Americans surveyed recognized that, for the preceding year, unusual
weather events have occurred (56% for their local area, and 62% elsewhere in
the U. S.).
82% personally experienced one or more types
of extreme weather in the preceding year; extreme weather includes extreme high winds, extreme rainstorms, extreme heat waves, drought, extreme
cold temperatures, extreme snowstorms, tornadoes, floods, hurricanes and
More than one-third reported that in the past year they were
personally harmed (harm to property, financial status, or physical or mental
health) by at least one extreme weather event, and separately, more than
one-third reported knowing another person who was harmed.
Americans surveyed stated that over the past several years the
weather in the U. S. has become worse rather than better, by 52% to 22%.
About half of those surveyed say that, over the past several decades,
the extreme events of heat waves, droughts and very heavy rain storms have
become much more common or somewhat more common.Slightly less than half had the same sense
with respect to harm to crops, floods, air quality, forest fires, water quality
and transportation.
In the survey group, Americans agree, strongly or somewhat, with the notion
that global warming contributed
to the severity of several newsworthy extreme events, including the unusually
warm winter of December 2011 and January 2012 (72%), record high summer
temperatures in the U.S. in 2011 (70%), the drought in Texas and Oklahoma in
2011 (69%), record snowfall in the U.S. in 2010 and 2011 (61%), the Mississippi
River floods in the spring of 2011 (63%), and Hurricane Irene (59%).
More than half of Americans recognized that unusual or extreme weather
events have occurred in the past year, with five-eighths recognizing that such
events occurred broadly nation-wide.Four-fifths
of Americans experienced extreme weather themselves, and one-third suffered
personal harm as a result.Significantly, Americans sense that over the past several decades,
extreme weather events have become more frequent.Depending on the event, roughly two-thirds of
Americans sense that global warming has contributed to the severity of extreme
weather events that occurred in the year preceding the survey.
These results represent a measurable change from previous survey
results.The same consortium published “GlobalWarming’s Six Americas in May 2011” (Leiserowitz, A.,
Maibach, E., Roser-Renouf, C., & Smith, N. (2011) Global
Warming’s Six Americas in May 2011. YaleUniversity and GeorgeMasonUniversity. New Haven, CT: Yale Project on Climate Change Communication) .In that survey, which was
conducted with a different focus than the present one, only 37% of those surveyed
were either alarmed or concerned about global warming (on a scale of six
categories ranging on the negative side to “dismissive”).These two categories remained essentially
constant back to January 2010, but had been as high as one-half in November
2008. Only 47% of those surveyed agreed
strongly or somewhat that the record snowstorms of the winter of 2010-2011 made
them question whether global warming is occurring, and 54% agreed strongly or
somewhat that record heat waves in the summer of 2010 in the U. S. strengthened
their belief that global warming is occurring.Although the present survey asked no questions concerning the cause(s)
of global warming, the May 2011 survey found that 49% of respondents thought
that it is caused mostly or partly by human activities.
The New York Times,
reporting on the present survey, noted that other recent survey results also
show increased concern by the public about climate change and its effects.In its report, the New York Times quotes A.
Leiserowitz, the lead author of the survey report, as saying “People are
starting to connect the dots”.
extremes are one consequence predicted by climate scientists for the effects of
an increase in the long-term worldwide average temperature.The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) released a “Summary for Policy Makers of its Special Report on Managing
the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation”
[Field, C. B., Barros, V., Stocker, T.F., Qin, D., Dokken, D., Ebi, K.L.,
Mastrandrea, M. D., Mach, K. J., Plattner, G.-K., Allen, S. K., Tignor, M. and
P. M. Midgley (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USAon November
18, 2011, just
ahead of the then-upcoming Conference of the Parties on climate change to
convene in Durban, South Africa.This blog reported on the special report in this post.
In an earlier
tutorial post,
we presented a basis for understanding that a rise in long-term global average
temperature could worsen extreme events.Very briefly, this is because warmer air holds more moisture than cooler
air.As moisture passes from the vapor
to the condensed state (clouds and fog), it releases heat; and in reverse, as
clouds evaporate to water vapor, heat is absorbed from the surrounding air.These localized exchanges of heat lead to
temperature gradients that can make winds more intense, and the higher water
content of the air affected means that more moisture can fall as rain or
snow.Furthermore, rigorous climate
models predict that certain regions of the earth’s surface will become more
arid, leading to drought and possible famine, while other regions will
experience more precipitation.
Policy for a regime of increasing global average
The survey reported in this post, and other recent surveys as
well, show that the American public is becoming more attuned to the notion that
increasing global average temperatures lead to more, and more severe, extreme
weather events.These events lead to
damage and harms, physical, mental and societal, that carry with them
significant financial losses, losses that ultimately are borne by the taxpayers
of the U. S.
Nevertheless, policymakers responsible for setting priorities
and for implementing programs in the U. S.
have steadfastly ignored public sentiment concerning this issue.The U. S.
has not been able to put in place a statutory policy program to address
contemporary problems related to increasing global average temperatures, nor to
develop alternative energy sources that avoid the release of greenhouse gases
into the atmosphere.As the American
public becomes more persuaded that increasing global average temperatures lead
to severe weather events and their consequences, such as floods, droughts and
shortages of food staples, U. S.
policymakers should recognize the significance of these shifts in attitudes
among the electorate.Our elected
representatives should act on the imminent dangers posed by increasing global
average temperatures in order to mitigate their severity, and to adapt to the
resulting changed environment.
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