Summary: Exxon’s
scientists conducted extensive research in the 1970’s and 1980’s showing that
use of fossil fuels produces greenhouse gases that warm the planet. These results were accepted by the company’s
management. By the 1990’s, however, the
fossil fuel industry changed its message.
It began a campaign to plant doubts in the minds of the public about the
reality of manmade global warming and its effects.
Although many
large American companies have prospered because they embodied an optimistic
culture, a “can-do” spirit, by the end of the 20th century the
fossil fuel companies adopted a “won’t change” attitude. They resisted the scientific reality of
manmade global warming, seeking to continue their business model of producing
fossil fuels to supply the world’s energy.
Yet objective
climate science shows that continued atmospheric accumulation of greenhouse gases
such as carbon dioxide will lead to large increases in the global average
temperature. In face of this threat the
world needs to move rapidly toward a carbon-free energy economy. The large fossil fuel companies can play a
major role in this shift, were they to adopt a “can-do” spirit. The technologies already exist, the labor
market is waiting, and they have the resources to carry out this transformation
while remaining profitable.
Exxon’s Own
Research on Global Warming. As the issue of manmade global warming gained
prominence in recent decades, scientists at Exxon carried out research on the
phenomenon in its own laboratories. This
program was extensive enough that it led to about 50 publications in
peer-reviewed scientific journals. An
Exxon scientist involved in this work told his corporate superiors that their
company should embark on measures that would reduce emissions of greenhouse
gases (GHGs).
By the end of the 1980s,
however, the corporate view on warming reversed sides. The company sought to raise doubts about the
reality of global warming. As the United
Nations-sponsored negotiations leading to the Kyoto Protocol, limiting
emissions from developed countries, came to fruition, Exxon and other fossil
fuel companies opposed the treaty, undertaking extensive lobbying efforts. When the time came to consider the Protocol
in the U. S. Senate in 1997, the vote to take up the treaty for debate failed
Promoting Doubt
about Global Warming. From that period to the present, fossil fuel
companies have engaged in a campaign that seeks to raise questions about global
warming in the minds of citizens, leading them to doubt its reality and
especially of its manmade cause. This
tactic had previously been used advantageously by the tobacco industry in its
struggle to dissociate smoking from its harmful effects on smokers’ health
(Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway, “Merchants of Doubt”, Bloomsbury Press,
2010). Indeed, some of the same
personalities, having seemingly authoritative backgrounds in science, appeared
in both battles. Such doubt results in
reduced pressure for change such as abandoning the extraction of fossil fuels that
emit carbon dioxide, an important GHG.
Optimism. This writer pointed out in the preceding blog post that the optimistic, “can-do” spirit that
drove the growth of the U. S. during the nineteenth and early twentieth
centuries has faded somewhat. Now, many
powerful industries, including the fossil fuel industry, when faced with
indisputable scientific evidence indicating that they should change their
operations, resist stubbornly. They do
this by promoting doubts about the scientific findings in question, and by adopting
“won’t change” attitudes.
historical sketches are presented below of three large American
corporations. The first two are
considered “can-do” companies here. They have confronted technological changes
in their industries and adopted new business plans to adapt to them. The
third one is ExxonMobil.
Business Machines (IBM ) was founded in 1911 when three companies
combined to form the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company, IBM ’s precursor. The company wrote “[f]rom the
beginning, IBM defines itself not by strategies or
products—which range from commercial scales to punch card tabulators—but by
forward-thinking culture and management practices…”. This culture informed the company’s
development of new apparatuses that, for example, contributed logistics
enabling the Social Security Act of 1935, a major piece of anti-Great
Depression policy, to function. In the
post-war years IBM expanded by developing electronic
computers, which permitted it to become an important international company. In
the following decade IBM responded to new challenges by expanding
its mainframe computer systems, leading to five-fold growth in income. From 1971 to 1992 it overhauled its business
model to adapt to the growing trend toward personal computing, but even so confronted
difficulties created largely by its own successes. As use of the internet has expanded, IBM has moved away from hardware to provide
software and computing services.
General Electric (GE) was founded in 1889 by Thomas Edison
based on his electric lamps, electric generators and motors, and power distribution. Over the years, it developed or acquired
businesses such as radio broadcasting, railroad and aircraft locomotion,
electronic computing, finance, and medical diagnostic technology. The list
of its acquisitions and divestments is extensive, and was responsive to the
changing business environments the company’s operations encountered. Finance, for example, was intended to provide
funds for purchasing its products, but portions have been sold off in recent
years. Additionally, as an outgrowth of
its generation technology, GE manufactures industrial-scale wind turbines.
ExxonMobil began operations shortly after oil was
discovered in Pennsylvania in 1859.
John D. Rockefeller formed Standard Oil in 1870 to harvest the oil; at
that time the principal refined product was kerosene. The company grew rapidly, operating in many
states and abroad, but was forced to break up its units by two antitrust decisions of the U. S.
Supreme Court, in 1892 and again in 1911.
Nevertheless, the separate companies prospered and many recombined again
to form a smaller number of Standard companies. In this period, as the number of automobiles
powered by internal combustion engines grew gasoline production surpassed that
of kerosene.
Over the following
decades, the various Standard Oil companies focused on extracting petroleum,
refining it to yield gasoline, and distributing it at retail. They also produced lubricating oils,
petrochemicals and other products as years passed. A principal Standard Oil company
adopted the brand “Esso” (pronouncing the letters “S” and “O”) in 1926, which
was changed to Exxon in 1972. Exxon
merged with Mobil, itself another Standard Oil company, in 1999 to become
ExxonMobil. ExxonMobil is now the
largest non-state producer of petroleum and its products in the world.
Exxon set up its
Solar Power Corporation in 1973 to make solar photovoltaic
cells. After determining that solar
would not become profitable until 2012 Exxon sold Solar Power off in 1984. (Mobil also had a solar venture from 1974–1994.) From 1970 to 1986 Exxon ran a nuclear fuel
preparation company. Wikipedia (as of
August 2016) lists no other non-fossil fuel ventures for Exxon.
In 2002 ExxonMobil,
General Electric and others formed the Global Climate and Energy Project at Stanford University to develop new energy technologies emitting
greatly reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
It intended to invest more than US$200 million over 10 years. As of 2015, 46 research institutions worldwide are participating. In 2009 ExxonMobil and Synthetic
Genomics Inc (SGI ). began research in their algae biofuels
program. Unfortunately, the project did
not provide positive results and ExxonMobil cut back its support severely in
The company also established an energy research program with the University of Texas (Austin ) Energy Institute.
Two “Can-Do”
companies. IBM and GE are categorized here as “can-do”
companies. Their histories embody a
spirit of optimism, confronting the challenges of changing times and overcoming
them to continue as successful ventures with new products. IBM especially had troubles, and is currently
dealing with yet more rapid change in information technology.
Energy demand is
high and increasing,
especially in countries of the developing world. As their economies grow, the need for energy
supplies grows in pace with their economies.
Their populations are becoming more affluent, entering the middle
classes. The most populous developing
countries are China and India , and their demand for energy has been
growing dramatically in recent decades.
In addition, whereas China ’s population is relatively stable, that of India is growing rapidly. In many developing countries including India , energy demand is fed both by growth in
economic activity and by increasing populations. The world’s population, now more than 7
billion people, is expected to grow to 9 billion by about 2040.
The fossil fuel
industry has not had to overcome industry-wide challenges in order to
grow. The long-term worldwide demand for
fossil fuels has never been in doubt (barring a few short-term hiccups and the
current decline in demand for coal in the U.S. and Europe ).
Commercial pressures in this industry have come primarily from within to
improve its core technologies, rather than from a need to reinvent the
companies by formulating new business models.
The large size of this industry and the confidence that demand for its
products would stretch indefinitely into the future has led to its seeming complacency.
ExxonMobil is actively
resisting change. In order to continue defending the role of
the industry in the global economy, ExxonMobil and other fossil fuel companies are
digging in their heels, resisting pressures for change coming from the need to
minimize further warming of our planet. As
outlined above their attitude is one of resisting change, and of mobilizing
their considerable financial resources and political influence to create doubt
and oppose the need for change. This may
be changing, however. Six non-U.S. oil companies
and ExxonMobil
have recently endorsed a price on carbon.
accumulated GHGs dictate how much warming (on average) Earth will undergo. As
manmade carbon dioxide and other GHGs continue accumulating in the atmosphere,
the projected further increase in global average temperature rises
accordingly. This is shown in a chart
from the Fifth Assessment Report (2013) of the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change, below:

Dependence of the projected change in global average temperature from about 1870 to 2100 (vertical axis) on the total amount of manmade carbon dioxide (as the main GHG; horizontal axis) foreseen from four emission “scenarios”, starting in 1890. Circles represent each decade. BLACK, historical data to 2010. DARK
Source: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Fifth Assessment Report
The graphic makes
clear that the increase in the total accumulated manmade carbon dioxide
concentration in the air governs the change in global average temperature. Only by minimizing future emissions using the
most stringent constraints possible (DARK BLUE line and dots in the chart) can humanity
keep further increases in global average temperature as small as possible.
The fossil fuel
industry needs rapidly to change its business model. In the 1970s-1980s Exxon understood the
threat from global warming. But by the
end of the 20th century it and rest of the fossil fuel industry were
sowing doubts about manmade global warming and resisting the need to
change. Even so, the reality shown in
the image above is that continued extraction and burning of fossil fuels moves the
world further along the trajectory of higher atmospheric carbon dioxide and
higher global average temperature, to the detriment of all humanity.
© 2016 Henry Auer
Oil and gas companies could have a much greater impact on climate change by returning to nuclear energy. Shell, Gulf, Exxon and Kerr-McGee all dabbled with the tech in its early years, but there is better technology nearing deployment readiness today.
ReplyDeleteThe oil&gas companies have the capital, scale, marketing expertise and political clout to help nuclear live up to its vast potential