
List of Linked Posts


Complete Linked Listing of Posts in Three Categories - Newest First


Tutorials and Science Background

Major Faiths Support Climate Action 10/31/21

What, Again? Sea Level Will Continue Rising for Centuries  10/13/2021

What, Again? Global Warming Continues Unabated 10/07/21

What, Again? Greenhouse Gases Accumulate in the Atmosphere 09/30/21

Carbon Dioxide Is Not Just Hot Air 09/09/21

Removing  Carbon Dioxide from the Atmosphere 04/12/19

Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions Continue Increasing 12/07/18

Foundations of Climate Science: Scientific Endeavor Before the Age of Politics 08/01/17

Scientific Underpinnings of Modern Medicine – Vaccination  07/15/17

Scientific Underpinnings of Modern Medicine – DNA, Cancer and Immunotherapy 07/12/17

Our Life in a Technology-Driven World 06/14/17

Science and Technology in Modern Life 05/31/17

Essentially All Climate Scientists Agree: Man-Made Global Warming is Real 04/29/16

New Analysis Does Not Support a Warming “Hiatus” 06/09/15

Deniers Mistakenly Say that Global Warming Has Ended 10/17/14

Record Greenhouse Gases Continue to Accumulate in the Atmosphere 09/22/14

A Denier Clouds Reality by Misrepresentations and False Accusations 05/21/14

Denying Global Warming Has No Scientific Basis 05/15/14

The U. S. National Climate Assessment: Warming Is Due to Human Actions 05/08/14

How Sea Level Rises: A Tutorial 05/04/14

IPCC Fifth Assessment Report, Part 1: The Physical Science Basis 10/01/13

CO2 and Temperature Changes Are Correlated for 800,000 Years

Modern CO2 Levels Far Exceed Any in the Past 800,000 Years 05/21/13

An Earth System Model Envisions High Future Global Temperatures 03/14/13

Storm Surges and Sea Level Rise 12/14/12

Fossil Fuels and Global Warming: Video 11/14/12

Review: “Climate Change Policy Failures” by Howard A. Latin 10/29/12

Carbon Capture and Storage Investment Is Strongly Needed 07/31/12

Light and Heat - The Greenhouse Effect: Video 07/20/12

Induced Earthquakes A Potential Hazard for Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide 06/28/12

Our Invisible Energy 06/18/12 (Video)

Clouds Probably Amplify the Effects of Global Warming 05/10/12

Increasing CO2 Caused Global Temperature Increase as the Last Ice Age Receded 04/27/12

Carbon Capture and Storage: A Needed yet Unproven Technology 12/23/11

A Prominent Climate Skeptic Now Affirms that Global Warming is Real 10/28/11

Rejecting the Science We Don’t Like 09/29/11

Economics of Renewable Energy 07/15/11

Carbon Dioxide – The Waste Product of Our Energy Economy 04/19/11

Global Warming Is Responsible For Extreme Rainfall 03/04/11

Ice, Water and Water Vapor 03/04/11

Electric Cars: Global Warming Fallacy, Until… 11/03/10

The CO2 Bathtub 10/27/10

Why We Need A Massive Effort for Alternative Energy 10/12/10

Today’s CO2-Emitting Devices Add to Tomorrow’s Global Warming 09/29/10

Denying Global Warming 09/25/10

Light And Heat – The Greenhouse Effect 09/21/10

Climate Science, Global Warming and The Scientific Method 09/13/10

Invisible Energy 09/11/10

Saving CO2 Emissions At No Cost 09/08/10


U. S. Issues and Policies

We Can No Longer Delay Minimizing Global Warming/Climate Change 12/21/21

Major Faiths Support Climate Action 10/31/21

What, Again? Sea Level Will Continue Rising for Centuries  10/13/2021

What, Again? Global Warming Continues Unabated 10/07/21

What, Again? Greenhouse Gases Accumulate in the Atmosphere 09/30/21

“U.N. Climate Talks End With Few Commitments and a ‘Lost’ Opportunity” 12/18/19

From Lone Climate Protester to A Worldwide Movement: Greta Thunberg 12/13/19

We All Feel the Increasing Impacts of Global Warming 07/12/19

Our Children: The Climate Activists We Need! 04/30/19

Removing  Carbon Dioxide from the Atmosphere 04/12/19

How Do We Answer Our Children? 03/16/19

Former Vice President Biden Says Climate Change Is An “Existential” Threat 01/24/19  

Faster Ocean Warming Means We Need Net Zero Emissions Sooner 11/06/18

IPCC Report on Global Warming Warns of Need for Immediate Action 10/09/18

New Storage Technologies for Renewable Energy 10/02/18

Politics Trumps Science at the Environmental Protection Agency 10/26/17

Extreme Rainfall with Flooding in the U. S. South 08/30/17

The Earth Continues Warming:  The Fourth National Climate Assessment Draft Report 08/15/17

Foundations of Climate Science: Scientific Endeavor Before the Age of Politics 08/01/17

The Centennial Celebration of the Paris Agreement Arrives 99 Years Early 04/07/17 

EPA Administrator Pruitt Wrongly Dismisses Reality of Man-Made Warming 03/09/17

Carbon Fee and Dividend Is Proposed by Conservative Economists 02/08/17

Inquisitor Trump Might Delete U. S. Global Warming Data 01/22/17

Open Letter to President-Elect Donald Trump on Global Warming 12/05/16

“Trump is Global Warming Danger”: Letter to the Hartford Courant 11/17/16

The Will to Change: Private Enterprises Reduce Their Emissions 08/24/16

The Will to Change: Oil Companies Should Embrace Renewable Energy 08/11/16

Rediscovering the Will to Change: A New Energy Economy 07/28/16

Connecticut’s First Wind Farm and the Growth of Wind Energy 07/12/16

Shipping Coal Abroad Is Banned by Oakland, California 06/29/16

Essentially All Climate Scientists Agree: Man-Made Global Warming is Real 04/29/16

Representative Lamar Smith Wrongly Asserts Global Warming Has Halted 03/24/16

Attribution of Extreme Events to Global Warming 03/17/16

The Centennial Commemoration of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement. II. 03/04/16

The Centennial Commemoration of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement 02/20/16

Sources and Content of Contrarian Communications about Climate Science 12/10/15

The December 2015 Paris Conference on Global Warming 11/14/15

Pope Francis Urges Action on Climate in His U. S. Visit 09/28/15

California Backtracks on Its Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Program 09/15/15

Drought and Extremes of Heat Reduce Farm Yields and Worsen Wildfires 08/25/15

President Obama’s Clean Power Plan to Reduce Emissions 08/04/15

President Obama Says Global Warming Harms U. S. National Security 05/27/15

President Obama Regrettably Approves Oil Drilling in the Arctic Ocean 05/14/15

Pope Francis’ Encyclical on Global Warming 04/30/15

Why Care About Global Warming? “No Man Is An Island” 03/30/15

Why Care about Global Warming? Droughts, Poor Harvests, and Social Upheaval 03/09/15

Americans Support Action on Global Warming 02/16/15

2014 Was the Warmest Year Globally Ever Recorded 01/19/15 

The U. S. and China Announce Joint Emissions Reductions 11/14/14

Why Care about Global Warming? 11/05/14

Deniers Mistakenly Say that Global Warming Has Ended 10/17/14

A New Analysis of the Keystone XL Pipeline: Global Emissions Would Increase 08/17/14

The EPA Program to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Existing Power Plants 07/22/14

Sea Level Rise: Mitigation and Adaptation in the Risky Business Model 07/09/14

The Risky Business Project Report: a Business Perspective on Global Warming 07/01/14

The U. S. National Climate Assessment: Effects of Warming and Measures to Counteract Them 06/21/14

The U. S. National Climate Assessment: Warming Is Due to Human Actions 05/08/14

The U. S. Needs a Unified Global Warming Agency, As Other Nations Have 03/26/14

The U.S. Needs a Single Department/Agency Dedicated to Global Warming 03/19/14

Secretary Kerry’s Global Warming Initiative 02/26/14

Comment Sent to the State Department on the Keystone XL Pipeline 02/15/14

Our Children Look Us in the Eye: President Obama’s State of the Union Speech 01/29/14

The Faithful Oppose Global Warming: Stewardship of God’s Creation 01/02/14

The Sun Shines at Night: Solar Thermal Power with Storage 10/22/13

The Keystone XL Pipeline Would Significantly Worsen Global Warming 09/19/13

Enact a Carbon Tax, Not a Cap-and-Trade System 08/21/13

Four Republicans Propose a Fee on U. S. Carbon Sources 08/07/13

President Obama: Combating Global Warming vs. All of the Above Energy 07/19/13

Americans Believe Global Warming Affects Our Weather 05/08/13

Develop Renewable Energy, Not the Keystone XL Oil Pipeline 04/18/13

Americans Support Expansion of Renewable Energy, Surveys Show 04/09/13

We Need to Begin Abatement of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Right Away 02/25/13

 Coal Fuels Developing Countries, but We Need to Decarbonize Energy Right Away 01/31/13

President Obama Proposes Expanded Growth of Sustainable Energy 01/21/13

American Public Opinion Supports Measures to Combat Global Warming 01/16/13

One-Year Extension of Tax Credits for Renewable Energy in the U. S. 01/06/13

Storm Surges and Sea Level Rise 12/14/12

Hurricane Sandy: Economic Costs and Global Warming 12/04/12

Production Tax Credit for Wind Energy in the U. S. 10/19/12

The Case for a Carbon Tax 10/04/12

Warming Temperatures Bring Droughts and Nutritional Stress 09/13/12

Extreme Weather Events and Global Warming 08/12/12

Carbon Capture and Storage Investment Is Strongly Needed 07/31/12

Induced Earthquakes A Potential Hazard for Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide 06/28/12

Public Attitudes about Extreme Weather and Increased Global Average Temperatures 04/19/12

The Environmental Protection Agency Proposes to Limit GHG Emissions 04/05/12

Federal Subsidies for the U. S. Energy Industry 03/16/12

Efficiency and Decarbonization of Transportation 02/28/12

Drastically Reducing California’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2050 01/06/12

Americans Are Losing Sight of Global Warming as an Important Issue 10/19/11

Energy Policy for the Coming Decades: Renewables and Energy Efficiency 09/15/11

TransCanada’s Keystone XL Pipeline: Not in the U. S. Long-Term Interest 09/01/11

Estimated Costs of U.S. Extreme Weather Events 08/17/11

Expanded Employment and Economic Activity from Renewable Energy 08/05/11

Summer Heat Waves, Carbon Storage and Natural Gas 07/22/11

Economics of Renewable Energy 07/15/11

President Obama Considers Increasing the Fuel Economy Standard for Cars 07/08/11

Public Attitudes on Global Warming and Their Political Ramifications 06/30/11

Economic Costs of Extreme Weather Events Due to Global Warming  06/17/11

Extreme Wildfire Events and Global Warming 06/10/11

Energy Efficiency: A U. S. National Academies Report 06/03/11

Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings: The “Low Hanging Fruit” of Mitigation 05/27/11

America’s Climate Choices: The U. S. National Academies Report  05/19/11

Wind Energy: A Growing Source of Renewable Energy 05/05/11

Esty and Porter Recommend Imposing a Price on Carbon Emission in the U. S. 04/28/11

Producing More Natural Gas in the U. S.: The Pickens Plan  04/14/11

America’s Energy Security: President Obama’s Plan 04/02/11

Public Attitudes on Global Warming and Effects on Politics  03/11/11

The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative of the New England and Mid-Atlantic States  02/15/11

Federal Energy Research Projects Win Venture Funding Support 02/09/11

Midwestern Greenhouse Gas Reduction Accord  02/03/11

Carol Browner, President Obama’s Climate Policy Assistant, Will Leave  01/25/11

The Western Climate Initiative to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions 01/22/11

California’s Global Warming Solutions Act: Bold Action on Greenhouse Gases 01/12/11

Greenhouse Gas Emissions by The United States: Past Growth and Future Trends 01/05/11 

Renewable Energy Tax Credits Enacted in the U. S. 12/17/10

Steven Chu, U. S. Energy Secretary, Advocates “Sputnik” Level Support for Energy R&D 11/30/10

California Voters Preserve the State’s Law Combating Global Warming 11/09/10

Electric Cars: Global Warming Fallacy, Until… 11/03/10

Present Federal Expenditures for Greenhouse Gas Reduction Are Inadequate 10/15/10

Why We Need A Massive Effort for Alternative Energy 10/12/10

What’s Needed: An Alternative Energy “Moon Landing Project” 10/04/10

Blunting California’s Global Warming Solutions Act 09/17/10


International and Global Issues

Major Faiths Support Climate Action 10/31/21

What, Again? Sea Level Will Continue Rising for Centuries  10/13/2021

What, Again? Global Warming Continues Unabated 10/07/21

What, Again? Greenhouse Gases Accumulate in the Atmosphere 09/30/21

Carbon Dioxide Is Not Just Hot Air 09/09/21

“U.N. Climate Talks End With Few Commitments and a ‘Lost’ Opportunity” 12/18/19

From Lone Climate Protester to A Worldwide Movement: Greta Thunberg 12/13/19

We All Feel the Increasing Impacts of Global Warming 07/12/19

Our Children: The Climate Activists We Need! 04/30/19

Removing  Carbon Dioxide from the Atmosphere 04/12/19

How Do We Answer Our Children? 03/16/19

Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions Continue Increasing 12/07/18

Faster Ocean Warming Means We Need Net Zero Emissions Sooner 11/06/18

IPCC Report on Global Warming Warns of Need for Immediate Action 10/09/18

Extreme Rainfall with Flooding in the U. S. South 08/30/17

The Earth Continues Warming:  The Fourth National Climate Assessment Draft Report 08/15/17

The Centennial Celebration of the Paris Agreement Arrives 99 Years Early 04/07/17 

Open Letter to President-Elect Donald Trump on Global Warming 12/05/16

“Trump is Global Warming Danger”: Letter to the Hartford Courant 11/17/16

The Will to Change: Private Enterprises Reduce Their Emissions 08/24/16

The Will to Change: Oil Companies Should Embrace Renewable Energy 08/11/16

Shipping Coal Abroad Is Banned by Oakland, California 06/29/16

Essentially All Climate Scientists Agree: Man-Made Global Warming is Real 04/29/16

Attribution of Extreme Events to Global Warming 03/17/16

The Centennial Commemoration of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement. II. 03/04/16

The Centennial Commemoration of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement 02/20/16

A Global Agreement on Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions 01/21/16

The December 2015 Paris Conference on Global Warming 11/14/15

A World-wide Climate Agreement by the End of 2015 10/08/15

Pope Francis Urges Action on Climate in His U. S. Visit 09/28/15

Beirut’s Garbage Crisis Mirrors Our Planet’s Global Warming Crisis 09/02/15

President Obama Says Global Warming Harms U. S. National Security 05/27/15

Pope Francis’ Encyclical on Global Warming 04/30/15

Why Care About Global Warming? “No Man Is An Island” 03/30/15

Why Care about Global Warming? Droughts, Poor Harvests, and Social Upheaval 03/09/15

2014 Was the Warmest Year Globally Ever Recorded 01/19/15

India Disdains a Global Approach to Mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emissions 12/03/14

The U. S. and China Announce Joint Emissions Reductions 11/14/14

Why Care about Global Warming? 11/05/14

The European Union Continues on Its Course to Lower GHG Emissions 10/31/14

U.N. Climate Summit Underscores Perennial Differences on Climate Change 10/02/14

Record Greenhouse Gases Continue to Accumulate in the Atmosphere 09/22/14

China Plans a Nationwide Carbon Market 09/11/14 

A Denier Clouds Reality by Misrepresentations and False Accusations 05/21/14

Denying Global Warming Has No Scientific Basis 05/15/14

The U. S. National Climate Assessment: Warming Is Due to Human Actions 05/08/14

IPCC Fifth Assessment Report, Part 3: Mitigation of Climate Change 04/16/14

IPCC Fifth Assessment Report, Part 2: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability 04/02/14

Secretary Kerry’s Global Warming Initiative 02/26/14

IPCC Fifth Assessment Report, Part 1: The Physical Science Basis 10/01/13

China Considers Programs to Limit Greenhouse Gas Emissions 09/06/13

President Obama: Combating Global Warming vs. All of the Above Energy 07/19/13

The EU’s Emissions Trading Scheme Has Been Voted Down 04/17/13

An Earth System Model Envisions High Future Global Temperatures 03/14/13

We Need to Begin Abatement of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Right Away 02/25/13

 Coal Fuels Developing Countries, but We Need to Decarbonize Energy Right Away 01/31/13

Conference on “Global Climate Policy without the United States” 11/16/12

Warming Temperatures Bring Droughts and Nutritional Stress 09/13/12

China Moves Toward Reducing Its Energy Intensity 08/27/12

Extreme Weather Events and Global Warming 08/12/12

OECD Warns of Dire Consequences of Climate Inaction 03/28/12

Efficiency and Decarbonization of Transportation 02/28/12

Increasing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Developing Countries 02/14/12

The European Union’s Energy Policy.  II. Emissions Reduction Technologies 02/02/12

The European Union’s Energy Policy.  I. The Emissions Trading System  01/23/12

Durban Platform Agreement Concludes 2011 Climate Change Talks 12/12/11

New Evidence for Warming of the Globe While Policymakers Contend with Each Other in Durban 12/05/11

Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters: Analysis and Forecast of the IPCC 12/02/11

Worldwide Emissions of CO2: Background for the Durban Conference 11/21/11

The Annual U. N. Climate Change Conference in Durban, South Africa 11/10/11

A Prominent Climate Skeptic Now Affirms that Global Warming is Real 10/28/11

International Energy Outlook 2011: A Report by the U. S. Energy Information Agency 09/22/11l

Energy Policy for the Coming Decades: Renewables and Energy Efficiency 09/15/11

Summer Heat Waves, Carbon Storage and Natural Gas 07/22/11

Economic Costs of Extreme Weather Events Due to Global Warming  06/17/11

Extreme Wildfire Events and Global Warming 06/10/11

Decreased Worldwide Crop Yields Are Tied to Global Warming 05/10/11

Wind Energy: A Growing Source of Renewable Energy 05/05/11

China’s 12th Five Year Plan: Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions 04/10/11

The European Union’s Energy Roadmap for 2050 03/23/11

The Libyan Oil Crisis Argues for Developing Renewable Energy 02/25/11

China and Global Warming: Past Growth and Future Trends 12/27/10

The Cancun Conference on Global Warming, Nov.-Dec. 2010 12/14/10

Is Adapting To Global Warming A Surrender Or A Needed Part of the Solution? 12/06/10

From Copenhagen to Cancun – Pursuing a Global Climate Agreement 11/22/10

World Energy Outlook 2010: Climate and Energy Projections 2008-2035 11/16/10

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